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Showing posts from January, 2016

The Islamic State (ISIS) Goes to South East Asia, US-Saudi Plague Reaches Indonesia?

By Tony Cartalucci A pattern is beginning to develop. Wherever the US wants to put its military, ISIS shows up and conveniently justifies it. And whenever the US is having a problem persuading a foreign government to do what Washington desires, ISIS shows up. In fact, pretty much everywhere US foreign policy is in trouble, ISIS and similarly state-sponsored terrorism seems to show up and save the day. ISIS itself is a creation of the US and its European and Middle Eastern allies. The US’ own Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) admitted as much in  a leaked 2012 report (.pdf)  which stated: If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran). To clarify just who these “supporting powe...

A Short Story: Once a upon a time in Bergland

Sometimes ago, a man and woman get married. After while they had few children. Then they separated. The husband loved his children as his wife. Both of them argued and argued without any conclusion even though they decided to get divorce.  Now the problem is children. Technically in Bergland the wife has more rights and she will be eventually given total custodial rights of the children by the Supreme Court of the said country. So the husband has a mala fide intention by converting himself to another  godsdienst . He is converted and converted his children as well without the knowledge of his wife (now former wife). He took the children away and seek the authorities to help him in name of  godsdienst . The  godsdienst authorities stepped in and give him full support and protection in the name of  godsdienst . The wife rights was deprived. So, she took the matter to the civil court and the said court told her that now she have to seek the remed...