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Showing posts from May, 2020

Negaraku: Bahagian 3

Kepahitan sanubariku Terasa bila pembelot suara rakyat Bermaharajalela di belakang Langsir covid 19 Pernafasan buih-buih deraka Ketandusan ombak selera rakyat Jangan harap ini akan berlarutan Gendang aspirasiku Sudah ku dendangkan Tumbangnya si kitol Jelas kelihatan

NegaraKu: Bahagian 2

Jeritan sayu anak-anakku Meranakan hati Apakah dayaku Pengemis jalanan Di kota besar ini Kelayuan dan kegersangan hidupku Tiada siapa peduli Aku cuba sini dan sana Tiada kerja tiada duit Anak-anaku menderita Hari raya dah menjelma Tapi Hari Rayaku masih jauh....


Ini ibu pertiwiku kegemilangan bumiku ku bangga selalu aliran sungai-sungai ayunan pokok berimbun amat abadi di sanubariku ini rumahku namun ada penyamun bertopengkan anak pertiwi nak hancurkan rumahku aku lahir disini nyawaku berhembus disini aku akan lawan dan halang selamanya Di ufuk timur ku dengar; bisikan deritan seksa tanahairku Penjelmaan semula ; bayang-bayang hitam; menghiris kulit tanahairku semakin jelas dan parah tanganku terikat bergayut dengan kanun-kanun yang berpautan dengan bayang-bayang hitam namun aku tetap tekad bebaskan tanahku

An Open Letter to Ayahanda Tun - PART 3

For me, to say I want to go to sleep and retire and prepare for my afterlife, I think that is very selfish. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, The Straits Times – 22 January 2017. This statement is the reflection of ayahanda Tun’s true character. For many of us, he is father of this nation. His love for this nation is unprecedented. Even though he was retired in 2003 but made a comeback in 2018 as the seventh Prime Minster of Malaysia at the age of 93 years. He made a history. At this twilight age, most people would have a ‘quite’ life but not ayahanda.   The biggest question is why ayahanda had to return to active in politics at this age to ‘save’ Malaysia. What are the factors which have triggered him to take such a drastic decision? At that time, Malaysia’s reputation was at the stake because of the kleptocratic regime. In addition, the economic, social and political factors had triggered him to make a comeback. But, the main focal point of his return is the damaged r...

My Country, My Leaders - PART 2

'We must each always think first of Malaysia, of the national need and least of ourselves. Everyone must try to help and see that the people are one-minded , with loyalty and one aim, to make Malaysia – the land we love-a happy abode for all of us . If we all do this then we can guarantee liberty , security , prosperity , and happiness for the future .’ Tunku Abdul Rahman Our founding father of this nation had a clear vision for our country. Even though, we are independence state but our minds still by colonized by ‘modern’ domestic imperialists. As Tunku has quoted we have to put the interest of this nation above own interest. Our love for this nation is unconditional. Further, he has aspired that if all Malaysians can work together than the country will be prospered in future. Our paramount duty as the citizens of this nation is to keep the sovereignty and create a better place for our next generation. Whether our country is on the right path to achieve th...

My country

I abstained myself from writing current issues on politics.  I am so mad now because of the antics of our leaders. Let me tell one thing very clear and LOUD to you.  You have to listen to us.  We are your Master.  We are NOT your slaves.  Do you understand this simple language. We elected you to give us an affordable life and to look after your self. Please wake up from your misguided and false dreams. In a democracy country the aspirations of people are paramount.  With current economic debacle and bleak future ahead, please behave diligently. Manage the country economy wisely.  Many of us lost income and we are losing our jobs.  What are you going to do?  Some of us have huge family to feed but no income. Will you going to assist us? How?? You may live in your comfort zone surrounded by your family members and they are well fed but how about us?? What are your strategies?? ...

Two Tales, Two Leaders - PART 1

Man has dual nature; he is both his own person and a member of his country. On the one hand, the law must protect the individual from the injustices of the multitude.  History has shown how individuals fall prey to mass perversity, their crime being simply a refusal to conform to the beliefs and prejudices of the majority. Anwar Ibrahim, The Asian Renaissance, 1997., Page 63. The value system and ethical code therefore determine the success or failure of corrective measures. If the value system is wrong, corrective measures will not be productive or will be only slightly productive. When the value system motivates, very little corrective measures are needed. Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, The Malay Dilemma, 1970., Pages 172-173. Introduction Malaysia is our motherland. We love our country. This country has so much of wealth. Even though, Malaysia has agonized considerably in past three decades because of the malpractices of the corrupted characters but she is never fail t...