WITH Thailand being rocked with bomb attacks and its government announcing that Abu Sayyaf sub-leader, Mudzrimar alias Mundi Sawadjaan still alive, an expert urged the intelligence community to overhaul their methods in dealing with terrorism. “We need ways to counter their ideology. Gone are the days where terrorists moved in a group and supported using big money. “The latest attacks in Thailand and confirmation of Mudzrimar being alive shows that it doesn’t matter to them whether its pandemic or natural disaster, their act of terror will continue. “Unfortunately, our intelligence community have yet to evolve together with the terrorists’ methods,” Arunachala Research & Consultancy Sdn Bhd principal consultant R Paneir Selvam told FocusM . Yesterday, Reuters reported that bombers set off at least 13 blasts in a town in southern Thailand overnight, and the police killed two suspected insurgents in a separate raid after a 20-hour siege in a nearby province, autho...
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