I am here at Permatang Pauh. The air is getting hotter here. We just have few hours to determine the new political landscape of our country.As I observed, the mood of the people already on election day's result.We do not discussed about the result of this historical by-election. But the significant of this by-election's result will change the 'theater of political scenes' of our country in future. How? First of all, the power democracy will finally return to people of Malaysia and the rule of law will prevailed. And the separation of powers will finally determine very clearly. This is my observation and not intended to take any sides. After so long we are looking into the growth of seeds of aspirations laid by our 'Merdeka fathers' disregard with race, religion and colour. I am looking forward for this merdeka celebrations as our country had progressed further in terms of rule of law. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
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