In this blog we observe the basic rights through the Malaysian Constitution. We just wanted Mlaysian know their fundamental rights. It's starts within a person and up to the nation's rights. About mee goreng issue that Matt as mentioned in his comments, well, the our basic rights. We earn our hard money and if we not getting what we wanted with our own earn money, then it's too bad. We should know our own basic rights to stand up. Let's we start from mee goreng issue. Doesn't matter. It's our money, remember that. With the latest development of course we are quite skeptical on rule of law. But this is the process or evolution of law that shows us as Malaysian maturing. Basically I adore natural law. We are live in this world and it’s a chain reaction. I not surprised if someone not agrees with me. We as the citizens of Malaysia need to know the system we are in to have a good understanding of ourselves. As I mentioned earlier in Situation A, if you don’t your ba...
Realisation of Our Rights