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Showing posts from January, 2009

Near Ends of An Enigma

I am great admire of Emmanuel Wallenstein 's theory of rhythmic cycles. This theory interrelates with domino theory. What are these theories got to do with law and current situation of our country? According to rhythmic cycle theory every empire rise and fall. For examples, British Empire, Russian Communism, LDP of Japan, Congress Party of India, Suharto of Indonesia, KMT of Taiwan and American Supremacy. This is got do with natural law. As I observed if anyone or any country, empire or organisation will rise and fall and no one can help to stop this natural cause. What is happening in Perak recently reflects the effect of domino theory and Sarawak is waiting to confirm my predictions. I will end this note with strong believe that my country will see near ends of An Engima.

Law & Men

My biggest dilemma while engaging my legal discourse is to find out the true function of law. Men created and creating laws and are they above the law? In any circumstances can men who had created the law and as guardian of the law can overruled their fundamental duties to uphold their own interests? I am still finding for answer for this question. I am not saying that I'm losing my faith on law but the abuses on law in such that I have to revitalise my thought on Law & Men.

The Myth of "Natural Law" by Iain MacSaorsa

Natural Law, and the related Natural Rights, play an important part in Libertarian Capitalist idealogy. They are not alone in claiming that their particular idealogy meets the law of nature, Hitler (for one) also did so. So do numerous other demagogues, religious fanatics and political philosophers. However, they like to claim that only *their* "natural law" is the "real" one, all the others are subjective impositions. But, then again, so do all the others. We will ignore these assertions (they are not arguments) and concentrate on explaining why natural law (in all its many forms) is a myth. In addition, we will indicate its authoritarian implications. Firstly, Murray Rothbard claims that "Natural Law theory rests on the insight... that each entity has distinct and specific properties, a distinct "nature", which can be investigated by man's reason" [For a New Liberty, p25]. To put it bluntly, this form of "analysis" was originated ...

Aquinas' Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy

For Thomas Aquinas, as for Aristotle, doing moral philosophy is thinking as generally as possible about what one should choose to do (and not to do), considering one's whole life as a field of opportunity (or misuse of opportunity). Thinking as general as this concerns not merely one's own opportunities, but the kinds of good things that any human being can do and achieve, or be deprived of. Thinking about what to do is conveniently labeled “practical”, and is concerned with what and how to choose and do what one intelligently and reasonably can (i) to achieve intelligible goods in one's own life and the lives of other human beings and their environment, and (ii) to be of good character and live a life that as a whole will have been a reasonable response to such opportunities. Political philosophy is, in one respect, simply that part or extension of moral philosophy which considers the kinds of choice that should be made by all who share in the responsibility and authority ...

New Hope and New Spectrum

The people of USA are celebrating because old draconian thoughts eroded by the 'New Hope'. The aspirations of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr Martin Luther King to have an equal society finally had been fruitful on the election Obama Barack had opened up a new spectrum to the world to put its hope. Whether that will be fulfilled or not in near future I have no say but I like to 'New Hope' at least giving some breathing space for 'unselected' people'. Probably you will be wondering why am I using this phrase. "Unselected people' whoever at the denial of the majority. The world history had been created with the election of a black president in the white dominated nation. It can happen in Italy where the had their first black elected representative and UK where the recognition of equal rights among majority and minority is high appreciated. The 'New Hope' driven by the American people will create a domino factor to be conquered through the world in near ...